Chakra System – What are the Seven Chakras


7 chakras

The seven chakras are responsible for transforming spiritual energy to physical energy. They are listed below.

First Chakra: This is located at the base of the spine. It is called root or base chakra.  It governs the spinal column, skeletal system, feet, legs, immune system, rectum and healthy sexuality when in contact with another. This chakra is linked to the adrenal glands. The colors that symbolize them include red, brown and black. The root chakra particularly helps one to fully enjoy all the physical aspects of life.  People who experience frightening conditions or lack of self confidence have unbalanced root chakras. In the physical aspect, they are people who suffer from weight issues, hemorrhoids, constipation and knee troubles.

Second Chakra: This is located approximately two inches below the navel. It governs the reproductive system in men (testes) and women (uterus and ovaries), kidney, bladder and middle spine. Their color symbols include peach and orange. This chakra is linked to the gonads. Its imbalance can lead to low back pain, urine, spleen, bladder or kidney issues.

Third Chakra: This is between the rib cage and navel at the solar plexus level. It governs the upper abdomen, liver, stomach,  pancreas, gall bladder, spleen and intestine. They are symbolized by yellow and gold colors. It is linked to the pancreas and liver. Physical problems resulting from imbalance includes diabetes, hypoglycemia, liver malfunction, digestive problems, ulcers, arthritis etc

Fourth Chakra: This is located at the center of the chest and is called the heart chakra. It governs the heart, circulatory system, blood, lungs, diaphragm, thymus and breast.  Green, rose and pink colors represent this chakra. It is known as the center of the entire chakra system and  linked to the thymus gland. Physical imbalance of this chakra leads to heart and blood diseases, upper back pain, compromised immune system, lung and breathing problems, breast cancer etc.

Fifth Chakra: It is located around the throat and neck region. This area governs the throat, trachea, thyroid, neck vertebrae, mouth, teeth, gums, oesophagus, parathyroid and ears. It is linked to the thyroid gland. This chakra is represented by light blue and turquoise. The throat chakra is not only responsible for communication but also control facial expressions, gestures and smiles. Some of the diseases associated with an unbalanced chakra in the physical realm include problems in the upper digestive tract, mouth ulcers, hearing problems, bronchitis etc.

Sixth Chakra: This is located at the center of the forehead and is sometimes called the third eye. It governs the eyes, sinuses, nose, face and brain. The color symbols for this include purple, royal blue and lavender. Also referred to as the sixth sense, it is clearly associated with intuition, awareness, clear sight and concentration. It is linked to the endocrine gland. Physical symptoms of imbalance include headaches, eye problems, forgetfulness, seizures etc.

Seventh Chakra: This is located at the top of head.  It governs the nervous system, brain and top of the head. The crown chakra is always being represented by either white or purple. It is linked to the pineal gland. Chakras imbalance in the physical aspect results in depression, genetic disorders, bone cancer, sclerosis and multiple sclerosis.

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