On a recent post I did an article on natural stress relief from the perspective of an energy healer.
The article centered around the following cause of stress and a method of removing the root causes.
What happens is that past stresses or traumas get embedded into your energy field and cause the energy flow in that area to become stagnated.
Now what usually happens is that since these blockages are generally so long term they have been incorporated into your reaction patterns and feel “normal”.
My preferred method is to see a qualified and trained energy healer and have them simply remove the blocked energy. When the energy is released the stress from the trauma is also released.
In this article and ones that follow I would like to look at a number of websites that feature alternative methods of stress relief that include over the counter herbs, different types of meditation, exercises and breath work.
And in this article I want to feature sites that discuss herbal remedies.
Before “modern” medicine, herbal remedies have been used for 1000s of years in every culture. Herbs are a tried and true source of relief from many of today’s medical problems. But just because something is labelled as an herb does not mean you should take it blindly and without question. Like anything you do you should make sure what you are taking is safe. Any suggestions from the sites noted below should be researched on your own and you should consult with your personal health care provider. 17 Natural herbs For Stress And Anxiety 17 Natural Herbs For Stress and its Symptoms. herbs-for-stress–relief. Stress is the body's reactions to the demands of everyday life. While stress is a normal response, too much stress can be damaging and cause long-term physical ailments, … Natural Stress Relief from Food | Natural Stress Remedies natural stress relief foods In times of stress, food becomes the automatic go-to source for natural stress relief for many. Indeed, certain foods induce a calm and relaxed state as well as a greater sense of personal control during stressful situations The 5 Best Herbs for Depression : Natural Remedies for Depression Find the best natural herbs for your depression. Studies have shown … Find the Best Natural Treatments for Your Type of Depression … Holy Basil. Holy Basil is an Ayurvedic herb used for stress relief and elevating the spirit. … Herbal Remedies that are Helpful for Stress | Natural Anxiety … Herbal remedies have been around for a long time and are used for many different purposes. One of the most common among them is stress relief. When stress becomes a more serious factor in your life then you'll want to … 4 Best Herbal Stress Remedies To Combat Stress | Best Stress … Herbal stress remedies taken as tea. A mild natural stress and anxiety relief is Lemon Balm. It can be made as a tea or probably combined with other mints. It is taken 3 to 4 times daily. Passion flower has a soothing effect and … Are Herbal Stress Remedies A Quick Way to Relax? – Hive Health Media (blog) Are Herbal Stress Remedies A Quick Way to Relax?Hive Health Media (blog)Fortunately, there are many easy herbal stress remedies which have been discovered that can help us obtain a natural stress and anxiety relief. Natural remedies for stress relief … As you can see there are a number of herbal combinations for natural stress relief. You want to pick and choose carefully so that the herbal combination you choose is the one best suited for your needs. Each of us has a different physical makeup and what may work for one person may be to strong or to weak for the next person. As a rule, herbal remedies are safe as long as you follow the directions for usage and the dosage. If you have any questions about natural stress relief feel free to contact me. www.clickremedies.com11/24/11